I didn't get to make a blog entry yesterday, it was a crazy day. To summarize it, we were out all day either shopping, eating, or just walking around admiring firenze. After that, we ate dinner then went out, returning in the wee hours of the morning.
However, today I do have time to make an entry. Today was a relatively relaxing day, especially considering we didn't have any mandatory orientations or other types of meetings scheduled. We woke up around 11am, hung out at the villa until noon, then hopped on the bus to go into town for the day. During this relaxing day, I learned two things.
Lesson #1: If you are going to be in Italy during this time of the year, pack enough shorts. Advice to anyone else who plans to come to Italy this time of the year, do bring shorts. I thought it would be cooling down by the time I got here, but how wrong I was. With four jeans and only one pair of shorts, the days can become even hotter than they need to be. It's manageable, but certainly not desirable.
Lesson #2: If you have a camera, keep it on you at all times. Do I ever regret not bringing my camera with me today. I though to myself before we left, "Oh, I don't need my camera. We are just going out for a bit, coming back, then going back out tonight when I can take some pictures." Turns out, we stayed in town later than planned and we are staying at the villa for the rest of the night. Walking around town today, I can't even begin to count how many times I said or thought "I wish I had my camera right now..." So, I will apologize in advance for the lack of photos in this blog post... Tomorrow I'm going to try and go shoot if it doesn't rain. Maybe even tonight I'll mange to get out and take some shots.
Regardless of these small hindrances, today was yet another successful day. I finally made it down to see the Arno river today. We also stopped at this little cafe to get some iced coffees. I'm now re-evaluating my idea of what an iced coffee is. It was almost like a coffee milkshake, if that makes any sense. Afterwards, we walked through the USA equivalent of a "farmers market", hit some shops, then headed back. That's about it for tonight. We are going to eat dinner, I'll hopefully take some night photos (I just thought of doing that as I was typing this, I really like that idea now actually), and probably just watch some Italian TV after that.
I'll have another post tonight. If not, tomorrow most likely. Classes are starting on Monday, so my daily schedule will be changing up a bit.
Thanks for reading!
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