Well, time's already starting to fly. Yesterday has been one week since I said goodbye to my family and hello to firenze. I was going to make this the topic of my blog post yesterday, but one thing led to the next and I ended up not having enough time to make my post or even edit pictures. Pretty typical day yesterday; ate breakfast, went to classes, handled photos from the late 1800's. Yes sir, quite a normal day.
Actually, quite the opposite. Most of the day was quite "normal". However, my photo class got to see the archives of Villa La Pietra. For those of you who have no idea what this means (me being one of them until yesterday), let me fill you in. Villa La Pietra, formerly owned by Sir Harold Acton. There is an archive within the Villa of photos gathered from within the Villa and bought from various other places. These are photos that exist no where else in the entire world. Pictures dating back to the lat 1800's. Photo albums put together by Sir Harold Acton's daughter herself. Now are you getting it? This is an incredible opportunity we were given, to handle these photos and see them for ourselves. Some of these photos were even taken in the garden behind the Villa. I'll be going to shoot there tonight, so you can see it for yourself soon enough!
After spending about two hours in the archive and then touring the garden, I went to Italian class, ate dinner, and went to finish up some homework. After that, then some other kids and I went out into town for a bit. Like usual, that little bit of time always ends up turning into a late night. Needless to say, going to bed really late did not make getting up for my 9am class any easier, nor did the slight cold I seem to have at the moment.
I'll have more photos either tonight or tomorrow, but here's some random shots. There was a gorgeous sunset last night, so, naturally, I had to take a photo of that:
Then I quick took a shot for Aarti and Freddie in front of it:
Here's the street that goes right along the Villa we are staying at:
And, one last one. I love this guy, he's always there playing classic Italian music. I got some videos of him, so I'm hoping to compile a video at some point during the semester.
Well, I'll be back today or tomorrow with some more photos. Check back soon!
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